Friday, November 30, 2012

Poor Finley

It seems like we've been telling Finley, "that's just what little brother's do" a lot lately!  Like when we're explaining why Ace took all the clothes off her Barbies...or why AJ drank all her milk!  :)
I'm guessing by the look on both of their faces...AJ took the phone away from Finley!

Thursday, November 29, 2012


These two look so much alike!  
Like father... son!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


We had a couple weeks of extremely warm weather for this time of year...just in time for deer hunting...and hanging lights outside!  I did some Christmas shopping the other day and it felt so strange to walk in and out of the stores with no jacket on or gloves to keep track of!
These pictures were taken on jackets needed...
and obviously Finley didn't need socks!

I tried...the boys tried a little...Finley on the other hand...


These crack me up!  They were doing a dance routine...

...on the stage at Nana & Papa's house!  Such concentration on their faces!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Geese World

The Mill Pond in Medford has been FULL of geese for the past month or so.  We see probably three V's of geese on the way to daycare in the morning and at least that many on the way home.  The other night we got home just as about twenty "V's" flew over our house!  The geese were SO loud and the kids thought it was the coolest thing!  Finley yelled, "What is this...Geese World or what?"  

It was pajama day at daycare! :)

Even AJ pointed and said "OH!"

Monday, November 26, 2012

SO Big

The other day I told Ace to "go find a shirt"...and he came back with one of AJ's.  He was so proud of himself!  I couldn't bring myself to tell him that it was his little brother's I helped him squeeze into it and smiled all day as I saw his tummy peaking out!
I had to crop "Captain Underwear's" undies out of the picture...HA

The shirt is a 12 month size!

Sunday, November 25, 2012


Our little miss Finley Jo loves baked beans...she will ask for them at snack time, at supper, and it makes her day when they have them at school...weird, huh?!?  We buy the little cans and she requests to eat them "cold, out of the can"...don't judge that we allow her to do this! 

Saturday, November 24, 2012


Ace and AJ are slowly becoming buds...if left to quietly play on their own, they will for quite a while.  It usually ends up with Ace getting AJ to do something they are not allowed to pull the nightlights out of the sockets, empty out drawers and cupboards in the bathroom, unroll the toilet paper, and empty out Kleenex boxes...UFF!  
I wish my flash had cooperated with this one...



Tuesday, November 20, 2012


Finley needed a photo for school...

Can't leave Ace out...

But when asked to pose next to each other...this is what I get!  UFF!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Feeling Crafty!

The other day Finley came upstairs and said, "Mom, come down and see your sewing room!"  The kids and Brent set up a "sewing room" for me!  Sweet!  Now I can leave my machine up, unpack my fabric, and sew away!
I have been wanting to make these bedside book sleeves for some time now...

...and love how they turned out!

I find different books under their beds every morning!

To make the sleeves a little more interesting, I tucked in a couple new books!

I also made this cool tote for Finley!

Coloring books fit perfectly, slots for her crayons, and it even reverses!  :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Boho Chic

This pose is so natural...I'm afraid!  :)

She enjoyed wearing a cardigan, "like mommy wears to work!"


Saturday, November 17, 2012

It Does Happen...

Finley does allow her brother to hold the DVD player sometimes!  :)

Friday, November 16, 2012

Silly Girl

Because of our hectic morning routine - wake up, eat, get dressed, out the door by 7:30! - our kids have been forced to be flexible with what they wear!  Finley has always been cooperative so long as we keep her closet stocked with dresses and skirts!  :)  As of late, Ace has given us the most difficulty!  He wants to wear "fluffy" jammies every day (fleece, feety pj's).  :)
On days when Finley doesn't have school, I loosen my reigns...

And she goes for looks like these!

Still pretty to me!  :)

Thursday, November 15, 2012


You want WHAT for breakfast?
Sweet peppers!  Ha! 
I love this boy! :)

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Do you see that spark in his eyes?

He's wondering if I'm still watching him...

...and now I'm wondering if he just put a piece of dog food in his mouth?  :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Play Date

Patiently waiting for her friend to arrive!

Finley and Rivalee - both in Rapunzel tees!  :)
Finley shared with me that one day during Sunday School she and Rivalee,
"shook hands and promised to be best friends!"

We made cookies that morning...

...they were delicious!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Special Delivery

Finley received a package in the mail last week...her first assignment was to read who it was addressed to...
...She sounded it out and discovered it was addressed to Daddy...

...but inside was her special Barbie house from Grandma!

And her Barbie car!  What a lucky girlie!  :)

Thursday, November 8, 2012


So I guess this is what we do up north when the weather gets cold...
We let our kids jump off the furniture...

...and fall on their faces... attempts of grabbing a balloon...

...that is stuck to the ceiling...

...and yes, she got it!  :